Josie's Creamery


WY Fresh farmstand

200 Walterscheid Blvd, Cheyenne, WY

Open Tuesdays & Wednesdays 3-6

Saturdays 9-3

You can find our delicious ice cream at several local locations

Lucky buffalo farmstand

4070 I-80 Service Rd, near the TA, Burns, WY

Open Thursdays 4-7

Fridays & Saturdays 10-6

Sundays 11-5

Bluffs bakery & currie's Dining

711 Parson St, Pine Bluffs, WY

Open M, T, Th, F, S 7-2 & 5-9

Closed Wednesdays

May have new winter hours

our scoop shop

327 S. Main St, Ste 104, Burns, WY

Open Tuesdays 3:30-7

& Special Scoop Days

home on the range

12108 Deike Ct, Cheyenne, WY

Open M-F 8-5

Town square marketplace

309 West Lincolnway, Cheyenne, WY

Open Tuesday-Friday 10-5

Saturday 10-4

More to come

We're looking for more retail locations

if you know of a place that would like to carry our delicious premium ice cream, please let us know.

Bear Mountain Beef

3901 State Hwy 313, Hawk Springs, WY

texas trail market

305 Elm St, Pine Bluffs, WY

Open M-Sat 7:30-8, Sundays 11-6

Cheyenne Winter Farmers Market

121 W 15th St- Cheyenne Depot, Cheyenne, WY

We will be there Nov 2, Dec 7, Jan 18, March 15,

April 19, and May 3

Open Saturdays 9-1

Big Hollow Food Coop

112 S. Second St., Laramie, WY

Open Daily 8-8

Kimball Ace Hardware

1217 S Hwy 71, Kimball, NE

Open Monday-Saturday 8-6

Sundays 9-5